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Version: v1

Ignore Files & Folders

You can ignore some files and folders by setting the environment variable IGNORE to an ignore pattern. By default everything is shown.

*Matches everything (including nothing)
?Matches any single character
[seq]Matches any character in seq
[!seq]Matches any character not in seq


  • *[ab].txt hides all files or folder ending with .txt and starting with a or b.

  • .* hides all files or folder starting with a dot .

  • [a-zA-Z0-9]* hides all files or folder starting with a letter or number.

  • [!a-zA-Z0-9]* hides all files or folder not starting with a letter or number.

  • report-???.pdf hides report-001.pdf, report-123.pdf but not report-1.pdf.


These are not regular expressions but shell patterns used in fnmatch.