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Version: v3 (latest✅)

Hide Files & Folders


In contrast to using metadata the file or folder is completely hidden/ignored from the filetree, all APIs and cannot be accessed via URL.

Ignore patterns

Hide specific files or folders by defining an ignore pattern using regular expressions.

It uses preg_match to match the file path. Pattern matching is case insensitive. If a match is found the file/folder will be hidden. The path always starts with a /, which is the mounted folder.


PatternDescriptionHiddenNot Hidden
/\..*Hide everything starting with a dot . like .env, .git.../foo/.bar, /.foo/bar/foo/bar
^/foo/.*\.txt$Hide everything in the folder /foo ending with .txt/foo/abc.txt/foo/, /bar/foo/abc.txt
^/node_modules/Hide the folder /node_modules and its content/node_modules/foo/node_modules
/node_modules/Hide the folder node_modules and its content at any level/node_modules, /foo/node_modules/node_modules_123
^/reports/2023.*\.pdfHide all pdf files in the folder /reports starting with 2023/reports/2023-01.pdf, /reports/2023-02.pdf/reports/2022-01.pdf, /reports/2023-01.txt
^/secret/.*\.(jpg|png)$Hide all images deep inside the folder /secret/secret/foo.jpg, /secret/bar/abc.png/secret/foo.png.txt, /foo/secret/abc.png

You can hide some files and folders by setting the environment variable IGNORE to a pattern. By default everything is shown.

Legacy (v1.2 - v3.2) ignore pattern matching

Patterns are matched against the file name and every parent folder name individually not as a path.

For example if you have a file foo/bar/secret.txt. This path will be split into an array ['foo', 'bar', 'secret.txt'] and each part will be matched against the pattern. If at any point the pattern matches the name, it will be hidden.

Usecase: Hide everything starting with a dot . using a .* pattern globally at any nesting level. This will hide /foo/bar/.foobar, /.baz, /foo/.secret/bar etc.

It uses fnmatch to match the pattern.

*Matches everything (including nothing)
?Matches any single character
[seq]Matches any character in seq
[!seq]Matches any character not in seq
  • pattern foo will hide the file foo/bar/secret.txt because foo matches the first array element foo.
  • pattern *bar* will hide the file foo/bar/secret.txt because *bar* matches the second array element bar.
  • pattern *.txt will hide the file foo/bar/secret.txt because *.txt matches the third array element secret.txt.


  • *[ab].txt hides all files or folder ending with either a.txt or b.txt.

  • .* hides all files or folder starting with a dot .

  • [a-zA-Z0-9]* hides all files or folder starting with a letter or number.

  • [!a-zA-Z0-9]* hides all files or folder not starting with a letter or number.

  • report-???.pdf hides report-001.pdf, report-123.pdf but not report-1.pdf.

Multiple patterns

You can specify multiple patterns and seperate them using a ;. If any of the patterns matches, the file or folder will be hidden.

⚙️ Configuration

changed to regex instead of fnmatch in v3.3added in v1.2
How to set configuration options
Set the environment variables when starting the container.
Use docker run...
  • ...with -e IGNORE=<empty>
  • ...with --env-file .env and place IGNORE=<empty> in the file
See installation page for more details.