📄️ Metadata
Files and folders can be annotated with metadata. Metadata is stored in a file called .dbmeta.json, where `` is the exact file (including extension) or folder name. Put it in the same folder as the target file or folder. Metadata is stored in a JSON format specified below.
📄️ Themes
Choose from a variety of themes to customize the look and feel of your directory browser. All themes support light and dark mode.
📄️ Password Protection
Individual files can be protected with a password.
📄️ Download Counter
Download count tracks the number of times a file has been downloaded/visited/opened. It will be saved in a persistent redis database (-v redissave:/var/lib/redis/).
📄️ Format
Date & Time
📄️ Search & Sorting
📄️ Readme Rendering
If there is a readme.md (case insensitive) (can be configured) file in the current directory, it will be rendered. GitHub flavored markdown is supported. See Demo Page.
📄️ Hide Files & Folders
In contrast to using metadata the file or folder is completely hidden/ignored from the filetree, all APIs and cannot be accessed via URL.
📄️ Batch Downloads
The batch download feature allows you to download multiple files at once in a zip file.
📄️ Integrity & Hashes
It is possible to verify the integrity of a file by setting the ?hash query parameter to the hash of the file. If the hash does not match the actual hash of the file, an error will be returned instead.
📄️ API
Folder listing
📄️ File Icons
Display file and folders icons in the file tree. Increases the css bundle.
📄️ Custom JavaScript
||" values="||" versions="3.3|3.3|3.3" desc="JS code. Will be executed on every page navigated.|URL to JS file. Will be executed on every page navigated.|URL to JS file. Will be executed only once on first visit. Subsequent navigation will not execute it again."/>
📄️ Layout
<!-- ### Basic (default)
📄️ Pagination
Display a large number of items in a list by splitting them into multiple pages.
📄️ Timing
Display the time it took to generate the page. This is useful for debugging and performance tuning.